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National Electrical Contractors Association

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The Chapter Board of Directors meets every other month to discuss and plan Chapter events and news, as well as industry considerations. NECA provides technical education programs for electrical contractors on topics to help improve their bottom line, as well as to improve efficiency.  It is a resource for safety, public awareness, and legislative information and support.

NECA'S Executive Manager and the Labor Relations Committee members work with the IBEW Local Unions to enforce the labor agreements and oversee employee benefit trust funds. NECA also works to manage the electrical apprenticeship programs for the area, creating a strong workforce for the future. 


NECA and the IBEW work cooperatively to manage their special fund which is used for community donations and outreach and to promote safe electrical construction within our communities. Whether it is Habitat for Humanity work, installation of scoreboard or lighting for local sports teams, a Bowl A Thon to raise funds for local non-profits, or sponsoring educational programs for first responders, the NECA-IBEW team is there to make our communities a better place to live and work. 


Whether it's a lunch meeting with speakers, a dinner, wine tasting, or a crab feed, we are here to provide the educational tools along with the social networking you need to help your company be the best.  NECA contractors benefit from getting to know their fellow contractors and participation is the key.  The lunch meetings are a great way to learn about new technologies, improved construction methods, and general industry updates.  

Our dinner meetings are a good way to socialize with your fellow contractors and their spouses and families, and you never know what you might learn there! You get the most from your membership when you participate in our events.

And you might notice, there are plenty of smiles at our functions! Check our EVENTS page to find your next opportunity.

Our work

Chapter Officers and Directors

Chapter Governor:  Louis Angelos

      Sage Electric

President:  Donald Tate

      Tate Electrical, Inc. 

Vice President: Jon (Wes) Treder

      Electricraft, Inc.

Treasurer:  Steve Mussell

      Santa Maria Electric


James Eddy - Taft Electric

Russell Sterner - Rossi & Carr, Inc.

William(Bill) Thoma - Thoma Electric

Chapter Staff:

Executive Manager:  Shari Brunner

Administrative Assistant: 

Phone:  (805) 348-1200

Shari Cell Phone (805)452-6060


NECA traces its origins to the birth of modern electricity. In 1901, a group of electrical contractors joined together to foster trade and reform abuses within their fledgling industry. Today, NECA continues their work, building on a legacy of protecting the public and making innovation possible.  The National Association is the voice of the $130 Billion Electrical Industry.


The California Central Coast Chapter covers Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties along the beautifully scenic Central Coast. From agricultural installations to space launch facilities at Vandenberg Air Force Base or the Diablo Nuclear Power Plant, the contractors of the Chapter cover all types of work, and are tasked with employing the most innovative and advanced technically skilled electricians available.

Our office is located at 2640 Industrial Parkway, Suite 200 in Santa Maria, close to the airport.  Stop by and say hello!



Upcoming Events

Divisional and General Membership Meetings

No upcoming meetings due to the CA Shelter at Home order. 

Jul 15, 2020

Santa Maria Elks Club

Crab Feed

Fresh crab and all the fixings, great company, and NECA Contractors. What more could you want for a great evening? Don't miss this one!

Nov 07, 2020

Paso Robles area

Annual Wine Tasting and Membership Dinner

Networking with your peers over a sip of wine, food, and fun!  What could be better?  More information coming, but save the date now!

Jan 22, 2021

Annual Installation of Officers Dinner

This is your chance to get to know the Board of Directors and Officers for the Chapter, hear what the plans are for the upcoming year, and naturally, food and beverages will be involved! 

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© 2017 California Central Coast Chapter NECA

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